Plastic Surgeons have used the fat transfer procedure in cosmetic surgery for decades. In fact many patients who decide to have a facelift incorporate fat transfer to give added volume to the cheek area.
Fat transfer involves two procedures all carried out under local anaesthesia. There may be a little bruising which subsides over a week or so and can be covered with makeup. There is little to no down time, and you can get back to your daily activities quickly. It is a long term solution to volume loss unlike dermal fillers which dissolve within 12-18 months.
The two procedures for Fat transfer involve:
1.Micro lipo of fat: The surgeon removes a small amount of the patient's own fat tissue—usually from the stomach, back or thighs using liposuction or micro lipo through a small micro cannula. The fat is firmer and stronger in these areas. The harvested fat is then centrifuged and the stem cells are separated.
2.Injection of fat and stem cells: They are then injected in the area that requires volume for a more rejuvenated look. Our Plastic surgeons will then transfer the fat cells to the area where they want more volume through a micro-droplet technique. The droplets are so tiny that they don't damage surrounding tissue or nerves.
A fat transfer is a cosmetic procedure that removes unwanted fat cells from one area of the body and deposits them into another area of the face. After the extraction process, the surgical team injects the fat cells into areas of the face where more volume is necessary to achieve the right look.
Fat transfer or lipofilling is often used to replace dermal fillers and is a more permanent way to add volume and rejuvenate the face. Facial fat transfer can achieve a more natural look.
The time required for a fat transfer can vary, depending on the number of treated areas. Typically one to two hours performing mico liposuction and injecting the cells into the face.
There is no ideal age. If you are interested in enhancing or creating more volume in specific areas of the face then facial fat grafting could be for you. The procedure can treat sunken cheeks, deep-set eyes, nasolabial folds or nose to mouthlines and the chin. We see patients in their 30's, 40's, 50s, 60s and 70s.
At Kensington Medical we are delighted to offer this advanced service. Fat can also be stored for many more years so that you can use it later on. This means that if in two years for example you would like more volume or a refresh we can arrange for your stored fat to be used by our plastic surgeons.
Fat transfer can complement other treatments. Patients who have surgery, such as a facelift or eyelid lift, often have fat transfer to give more volume to the cheek area.
What are the risks associated with fat grafting?
While any surgery can result in risks—such as bruising, infection and scarring, fat transfer is relatively low risk. The surgeon harvests fat cells from the patient's body. This means their immune system won't reject or attack them. However, if there's too much fat transferred into one area, it could look unnatural. Our skilled plastic surgeons have years of experience and know exactly how much fat is necessary to remove in order to achieve the look you want.
What scarring can you expect from fat grafting?
Fat transfer results in tiny incisions, so the resulting scars will be invisible to the naked eye.
What is recovery from a fat transfer like?
There is minimal downtime following facial fat grafting, and most patients can return to work within a few days. There will be some swelling and bruising, but these effects will subside over the next week to 10 days. Patients should avoid strenuous exercise or heavy lifting for two weeks.
How soon will I see results / are they permanent?
It can take up to two weeks for the swelling, bruising and recovery from surgery to subside. You will see a lifted appearance in the area being treated with added volume. It may take several months for your body to absorb the transferred fat cells fully. If you maintain a healthy lifestyle, results can last a number of years.
How much does fat grafting or fat transfer cost?
The cost can vary depending on the area and number of areas being treated. Fat grafting or fat transfer prices start from £2,750 to £7,000 for the full face. The best option is to speak to our plastic surgeon who can explain in detail about the treatment and discuss what you want to achieve.
The fat transfer price includes:
Things to consider:
There are instances whereby the patient will require a second treatment. This means that they will have a second micro liposuction treatment on the day of the second fat transfer treatment. The reason this can happen is because an experienced plastic surgeon will not want to overfill the face or under eye area, because this can cause issues. They will therefore be cautious to ensure the patient has the best fat grafting results.
We are seeing people deciding on the fat trasnfer option because it lasts many years and it is not a foreign substance. Unlike dermal filler which last 12-18 months and is not their own fat or stem cells.
How should I prepare for fat grafting?
Our plastic surgeon will give you more specific advice on preparing for this treatment. We advise to stop smoking and avoid blood thinners before your surgery. You'll also need to avoid taking pain medication that contains aspirin or ibuprofen in the weeks leading up to your surgery. You will be given full advise on how best to prepare.
The Kensington Medical team provides thorough information about fat transfer so that you can makean informed decision. During the consultation with your experienced plastic surgeon you will discuss what you want to achieve, what happens during and after the treatment, the risks and downtime needed. If you have a special event or date in mind, we will work our way back to ensure you are fully recovered and looking your best.
Our goal is to restore your confidence and make you feel refreshed.
Medically reviewed by Mr David Gateley MA, FRCS, FRCS (Plast), GMC number 2939470 on 16 October, 2024.