Thank you for visiting our Kensington Medical website. We are a small team of passionate cosmetic surgery specialists with a combined experience of over 85 years.
If you have been thinking about a procedure for some time, we understand that this can be a big step for you. Our mission is to guide you through your exciting treatment journey with Kensington Medical, ensuring that you know what to expect and above all feel comfortable and confident. Take a look at the main steps from initial enquiry to post-operative care.
If you would like to get in touch and have a chat, leave us a message here, and one of our dedicated patient care team will get straight back to you.
Whether you contact us by telephone on 0204 551 4892 or fill out a patient enquiry form, our first step will be to talk to our dedicated patient care manager. They will answer your general questions about your treatment of interest, Kensington Medical, our facial plastic surgeons, specialised cosmetic hospitals and any other questions you might have.
If, following that discussion, you would like to meet one of our plastic surgeons or medical professionals, your patient care team adviser will help you arrange a suitable initial consultation.
Your patient care team manager will remain your primary contact throughout your entire journey with Kensington Medical.
At Kensington Medical, we know that the best surgical outcomes are obtained when patients prepare themselves well in advance of the operation. At each stage of your journey, we will remind you of the essential preparations you need to make.
These recommendations will include how you should look after your skin in the run up to your procedure. This may cover advice on what topical cosmetics you should use. In addition, the team at Kensington Medical will make lifestyle suggestions around diet, vitamins and minerals, sun exposure, smoking and alcohol consumption.
On the day of your operation, you should arrive one hour before the procedure. If your operation involves sedation or a general anaesthesia, you will meet your anaesthetist, who will have reviewed all your medical information before the surgery and who will check your blood pressure again.
Then you will be off to see your surgeon, who can answer any further questions you may have, take your formal consent to undergo surgery and prepare you for your operation.
The anaesthetic we use is TIVA (Total Intra Venous Anaesthesia), which reduces the risk of post-operative nausea and allows for a swifter recovery than conventional general anaesthesia.
Following your operation, our team will keep you under observation until you are ready to be discharged and continue your recovery at home with your chaperone.