9th Aug 2024

Top Treatment Options for Neck Bands

Neck bands are the vertical or horizontal lines on your neck that often become more visible as you age. They occur naturally but can be treated effectively. In this article we cover the causes and best ways to address them.

Key points:

  • Neck bands, caused primarily by the loosening of the platysma muscle due to ageing, appear as horizontal or vertical lines on the neck and can be influenced by factors such as genetics and lifestyle.
  • Preventive measures like sun protection, proper hydration, and avoiding strenuous neck activities can delay the appearance of neck bands, while some non-surgical treatments like Botox, dermal fillers, and topical treatments offer effective solutions for more mild cases.
  • Surgical options, including neck lift surgery, platysmaplasty, and lower facelifts, provide long-lasting and dramatic improvements for more prominent neck bands.

Neck bands, also known as neck cords can be identified as follows:

  • Horizontal or vertical lines traversing the front of the neck,
  • They can be common in certain medical and cosmetic conditions,
  • They become more noticeable when the teeth are clenched or jowls are pulled downward, causing ageing the neck’s appearance.
  • Two strips of muscle form the vertical neck bands which run down both sides of the neck, resulting in a stringy or rope-like appearance.
  • They are created by the platysma muscle, a thin sheet extending from the collarbones to the lower face, facilitating movement in this area.

As we age, the platysma muscle loosens, causing its edges to hang down and create visible neck bands, which can result in loose skin or neck skin. This process can be a common feature of ageing and is influenced by factors such as genetics and muscle tone.

Causes of Neck Bands

Ageing: The development of neck bands, including neck age lines and vertical neck lines, is primarily attributed to the natural ageing process. As we grow older, our skin loses elasticity and becomes thinner, making the underlying muscles more visible. This is noticeable in the neck area due to the relative lack of fat in this region. Horizontal neck bands, also known as necklines or necklace lines, are typically caused by this natural ageing process and can become more prominent over time. This can make the neck look wrinkled, aged, and worn.

Lifestyle factors:

  1. Dramatic weight loss is a factor that can result in premature neck lines. When we lose a substantial amount of weight, the skin may not have enough elasticity to bounce back, resulting in sagging and the formation of bands.
  2. Prolonged sun exposure without proper UV protection can accelerate the breakdown of collagen and elastin in the skin, contributing to the appearance of horizontal neck bands.
  3. Genetics and lifestyle choices also play crucial roles in the development of neck bands. Some individuals may be more predisposed to developing prominent neck bands due to their genetic makeup. Factors such as stress, anxiety, and depression have been linked to premature neck lines. It’s also worth noting that muscle activity from everyday actions like eating, talking, and facial expressions can contribute to the formation of platysmal bands over time.

Recognising these causes can guide us in taking proactive measures to prevent or lessen the visibility of neck bands.

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Preventive Measures for Neck Bands

While it’s not entirely possible to prevent neck bands from forming, there are several measures we can take to delay their onset and reduce their prominence.

One of the most crucial steps is protecting your neck from sun damage. Here are some tips to help you:

  1. Limit sun exposure and apply sunscreen daily to help preserve skin elasticity and prevent collagen loss in the neck area.
  2. Consider wearing wide-brimmed hats to further shield your neck from harmful UV rays.
  3. Avoid tanning beds, as they can also contribute to skin damage and premature aging.

Try following these tips, to help delay the formation of neck bands and maintain a more youthful appearance.

Hydration is another key factor in maintaining healthy, youthful-looking skin. Well-hydrated skin helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the neck. In addition to drinking plenty of water, using moisturizing products specifically designed for the delicate neck area can be beneficial.

Avoid straining your neck: Some activities may strain your neck muscles. High-intensity workouts and heavy weight lifting can make platysmal bands more visible over time due to continuous stretching of the skin. When exercising, try to avoid unnecessary tension.

Try these preventive steps to prolong the development of neck bands, helping to sustain a smoother, more youthful neck for an extended period.

Non-Surgical Treatments for Neck Bands

There are several non-surgical treatment options available to treat mild neck bands without resorting to surgery. They can be effective in reducing the appearance of both vertical and horizontal neck bands, providing a smoother and more youthful look.

The most popular non-surgical treatments include Botox injections, dermal fillers, and topical treatments.

Each of these options targets neck bands in different ways, offering varying degrees of improvement depending on the severity of the condition and individual patient factors.

Botox Injections

Botox injections have become a popular and effective non-surgical treatment for neck bands, particularly for addressing vertical platysmal bands.

This treatment works by temporarily relaxing the underlying muscles responsible for the appearance of neck bands. When injected into carefully targeted areas of the platysma muscle, Botox:

  • Blocks the release of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter responsible for muscle contractions,
  • Releases the tension caused by repetitive muscle contractions,
  • Results in relaxation and softening of the neck area,

One of the significant advantages of Botox injections is:

  • The quick and relatively painless nature of the procedure,
  • The treatment for platysmal bands typically takes around 15 minutes,
  • Patients can return to their normal activities afterward,
  • Results are usually visible within a few days of treatment.

Though not permanent, Botox injections for neck bands usually last between three to four months. With follow-up treatments every 3 to 4 months to keep the smoothness.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers offer another effective non-surgical option for treating neck bands, particularly horizontal lines and wrinkles.

They contain gel-like materials such as hyaluronic acid or poly-L-lactic acid. When strategically injected into areas affected by neck bands, dermal fillers work to plump up the skin, fill in creases and wrinkles, and create a smoother, more youthful appearance.

They can add volume to the area, camouflaging their appearance.

Key advantage of dermal fillers: immediate results.

Patients often notice a smoother neck skin texture and a lifting effect on the jaw area right after the treatment, especially when dermal fillers are combined with Botox injections. This combination approach can be particularly effective, as dermal fillers work better to treat horizontal neck bands, while Botox addresses vertical platysmal bands.

The effects can last between six months to 18 months to two years.

Topical Treatments

Topical treatments are a non invasive alternative that won't remove neck bands, but they can improve the texture of the neck area.

  • Vitamin C serum can brighten and moisturize the skin, protecting it from free radicals and helping to camouflage fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Retinoids help increase collagen production in the neck area, treating neck wrinkles and improving overall skin texture.
  • Neck creams formulated for the delicate skin in this area can promote collagen and elastin production, enhancing the skin’s texture and appearance.

While topical treatments will not provide the dramatic results of injectables or surgery, they can help in maintaining skin health and can improve the texture in the neck.

Surgical Options for Treating Neck Bands

When non-surgical treatments prove insufficient for addressing severe neck bands, surgical options can provide more dramatic and long-lasting results.

They can target:

  1. Excess fat,
  2. Sagging skin, and
  3. Prominent platysmal bands.

Surgery offers a long term comprehensive solution for neck rejuvenation.

The most common surgical treatments for neck bands include:

  1. Neck lift surgery,
  2. Platysmaplasty, and
  3. Lower facelift.

Each of these surgical procedures aims to

  1. Reconstruct and tighten the underlying muscles,
  2. Remove excess skin and fat, and
  3. Create a smoother, more youthful neck contour.

Surgical options have longer recovery periods and have some risks, however they can offer significant enhancements for individuals with deeply grooved neck bands or extensive skin sagging.

What are their advantages and considerations.

Neck Lift Surgery

Neck lift surgery is a popular surgical option to address multiple signs of ageing in the neck area. This procedure specifically targets excess fat, horizontal bands of skin, and saggy neck skin or turkey neck. A neck lift can provide a more contoured and youthful appearance without the need for a full facelift.

During a neck lift procedure, small incisions are made under the chin or behind the ears. These incisions allow the surgeon to:

  • Access and tighten the neck muscles,
  • Reposition or suture the platysma muscles together to reduce the visibility of vertical neck bands,
  • Remove excess skin and fat to create a more defined jawline and neck contour.

This comprehensive approach allows the neck lift to address multiple concerns simultaneously, making it an effective solution for those with significant signs of ageing in the neck area.

While more invasive than non-surgical options, a neck lift can provide long-lasting results that dramatically improve the overall appearance of the neck and lower face.


Platysmaplasty, also known as neck muscle surgery, is a specialised surgical procedure designed to correct sagging skin, prominent bands, and fat deposits in the neck area. This procedure is particularly effective for addressing vertical neck bands caused by the separation of the platysma muscle. Often performed in conjunction with a facelift, platysmaplasty can provide comprehensive rejuvenation of the neck and lower face.

The procedure is typically performed under general anaesthesia and involves making horizontal incisions beneath the chin to access the platysma muscle. Excess skin and fat are removed during the surgery, while the platysma muscles are also tightened. This results in a more defined and youthful appearance.

One advanced technique used in platysmaplasty is the 3-D endoscope approach, which allows surgeons to identify and partially cut the neck muscles before bringing them back together with permanent sutures. This method, known as corset platysmaplasty, joins the two sides of the platysma muscle into one layer, effectively reshaping the upper neck and jawline for a sharper and younger appearance.

Platysmaplasty is beneficial for patients with:

  • Prominent neck cords,
  • Double chins,
  • Fatty jowls,
  • Loose turkey neck skin.

A platysmaplasty address multiple concerns simultaneously, making it a great option for those seeking significant improvement in their neck appearance.

Lower Facelift

A lower facelift is a surgical procedure aimed at rejuvenating the lower third of the face, including the jawline and neck, to provide a more youthful appearance. While not exclusively focused on neck bands, a lower facelift can improve their appearance as part of its overall rejuvenation effect.

This procedure is effective for addressing

  1. Sagging skin,
  2. Wrinkles,
  3. The jawline and
  4. Can help neck bands, to create a smoother appearance.

It’s often performed in conjunction with other facial rejuvenation procedures such as a neck lift or platysmaplasty to achieve more comprehensive results. This combination approach allows for a harmonious improvement of the entire lower face and neck area.

Ideal candidates for a lower facelift are those who have noticeable signs of ageing in the neck and lower face but still have good skin tone and elasticity.

Recovery and Aftercare

The recovery process following neck band treatments, especially surgical procedures, is crucial. Recovery can range from a few weeks to a month or so, depending on the individual’s healing capacity and the extent of the surgery.

Immediately after surgery, patients can expect some pain, bruising, and swelling. These common symptoms can be managed with routine painkillers and cold compresses. To help reduce swelling, it’s recommended to sleep with an elevated head using thick pillows, which helps keep fluids away from the neck and chin area. Patients are usually advised to wear a chin band or neck band for 2-3 weeks post-surgery to support the healing process. It’s crucial to avoid direct sunlight and long hot showers for the first couple of weeks to prevent adverse effects on wound healing.

Following your surgeon’s post-operative instructions closely is vital for a fast recovery. This typically includes:

  • refraining from strenuous physical activities for a specified period,
  • light exercises can generally be resumed after the second week of recovery, but contact sports should be avoided until full recovery,
  • most patients can return to work after 3-7 days, depending on the nature of their job.

Follow-up post operative appointments with your surgeon are crucial to ensure everything is healing properly and to receive detailed aftercare instructions. If you experience persistent numbness, bruising, or tightness beyond the expected recovery period, it’s important to consult with your surgeon promptly.


Kensington Medical

At Kensington Medical, we pride ourselves on our team of GMC specialist registered facial plastic surgeons, who specialise in face lifts and neck lifts. Our focus on surgical facial rejuvenation procedures allows us to offer comprehensive advice and service for all aspects of facial surgery. We understand that each patient’s needs are unique, which is why we cover all treatment options to ensure the advice you receive is comprehensive.

By concentrating solely on facial procedures, we’ve honed our expertise to provide the best possible advice and service for facial surgery.

Our Kensington Medical team is dedicated to assisting you in reaching your aesthetic objectives with the utmost care and expertise. Get in touch to see if you are suitable.


Remember, the key to successful treatment lies not only in choosing the right procedure but also in proper aftercare and maintenance.

As you research your next steps, consider consulting with a specialised facial plastic surgeon who can provide personalised advice tailored to your unique needs and goals.

With the right approach and expert care, you can achieve a smoother, more youthful neck appearance that helps you look and feel your best. Don’t let neck bands hold you back – take the first step towards rejuvenation today.


Frequently Asked Questions

Neck bands typically start to become noticeable in your 30s or 40s, becoming more prominent in the 50s and beyond, but this can vary based on genetics, lifestyle, and sun exposure.

Non-invasive treatments like Botox and dermal fillers can improve the appearance of neck bands, but they may not completely eliminate them. These treatments offer temporary improvement and may delay the need for more invasive procedures.

The recovery process after a platysmaplasty procedure typically involves swelling and bruising that decreases within a few days, but the final outcome may take one to three months to be fully apparent. Most patients can return to work after 3-7 days, with full recovery taking up to 4 to 6 weeks.

Neck exercises are not effective in reducing the appearance of neck bands and might actually make them more prominent. Book a consultation with a facial plastic surgeon to discuss if you are suitable.

You will need to repeat Botox treatments for neck bands every 3 to 4 months to maintain the results, but this may vary based on individual factors and the severity of the neck bands.